Lost In Translation Made Me Lost Throughout the Movie


    I absolutely adore Scarlett Johansson. She is one of my favorite actresses, but I think she should stay within the Marvel franchise. Her lack of emotion during scenes that should have heightened emotion bored me. Her acting overall throughout this move was not all that. However, while I was watching the movie, I thought to myself, "Maybe Sofia Coppola's directing is what I don't like?" 

    I thought the movie was overall dreary 😞. There weren't any bright colors or items that seemed to resemble happiness throughout the film. The filter Coppola used on the movie brought down my mood. Typically, it's horror movies or thrillers that use these filters over the film. However, Coppola decided that a story about friendship needed this gloomy effect. 

    While I kept thinking about this movie after I had finished watching it, I did some research. With the lessons that come from the movie of loneliness and striving for a connection and lots of communication, I began to understand why Coppola chose the mise-en-scene she did. The characters never truly found what they were looking for. While they did within each other, once Bob (Bill Murray) left Tokyo, Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) was still left all alone in a country she isn't familiarized with completely. Therefore, the gloomy lighting throughout the movie makes total sense. 

This article in particular helped me understand Coppola's mise-en-scene choices more clearly:

Life Lessons to learn from 'Lost in Translation'

    As I continued to do more research, I realized just how successful and achieving Coppola truly is. She typically uses women as her main character and she always uses a different life lesson to make her story. I am interested to see more Coppola films, even after not being completely impressed by this one in particular. I still enjoyed the film because like I said before, Scarlett Johansson is one of my favorite actresses. 
