Seeing Films Made By Those Around Me

     This past week in class, we showed the screenings of the other group films. It was nice to see how each group took the direction of their film. One film was transformed into a trailer, some had definite plot lines, and others made the audience think about what was actually happening. Each filmmaker (grammy award winners and college film classes) has their own way they choose to go about creating a film. 

    I personally tend to like films that distinguish their plot from the beginning. If I watch a film for 30 minutes and still have no idea what's going on, I turn it off. I have found that this happens with a lot of Netflix Original movies. These films are typically less than two hours long and have to condense their storyline drastically compared to the average film. I believe this is why I tend to not be able to finish these movies all the way through.

    I typically tend to enjoy movies that are some time over two hours. I feel that this run time gives the script director enough time to develop the characters and even give the audience extra pieces of information. Additionally, I do also enjoy the Marvel movies. These movies tend to be drastically longer than the average film. For example, the famous Avengers: Endgame has a run time of three hours and the newest Marvel film, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, is two hours and 41 minutes. Run time in a movie gives the filmmakers and directors a time they have to completely develop the storyline. 

MCU Run Times

    Now, back to the short films we had to make for class. I think every group did a good job of developing a storyline with the time limit given. Granted, we aren't all directors, but I think we all understood the assignment and put our own twist on each film. 


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